Welcome to BNFMy

Welcome to Biological and Nutrition Farming in Malaysia blog!

BNFMy is about growing fruits and vegetables (and flowers) in Malaysia using natural & sustainable ways. Articles related to livestock, poultry and aquaculture will be added in the future.

The aim of BNFMy blog is to share farming information with everyone, based on facts and scientific findings, compiled from online and offline resources in order to improved the standard of Malaysian farmers.

Many Malaysian farmers still depends on "what I heard from my friends" and own observations and thus assumptions  in making decisions - (smart guess??)
Observations and experience are still very important aspects in running a farm operation, no doubt about it. However, if we can verified our findings based on scientific facts, then we can reduce/avoid the wastage of time, money, efforts and lots of heartache....

BNFMy blog will try to cover the A-Z of farming (and gardening) in the short and simple format, yet packed with information, targeted to the intermediate/advance level readers.

Constructive feed backs and comments are most welcome. :)

You can contact us by email or connect to us on Facebook

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